Silkmore Primary Academy

Sex and Relationships Education

From September 2020, schools in England are required to teach the content outlined in the statutory guidance ‘Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education’ published by the government. The aim of this guidance is to ensure schools provide children with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate relationships in all contexts, including online, and lead healthy lives. Whilst Sex Education is not compulsory in primary schools, research has shown its impact. After previous consultation, Sex Education has been included in our curriculum. Further details of our curriculum can be found below, however please do not hesitate to get in touch should you require further information.


At Silkmore Primary Academy, our PSHE curriculum will prepare children to live in an increasingly complex world which presents both positive and exciting opportunities as well as challenges and risk. It will achieve this by helping them develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they will need for their future, both academically and personally.


By the time they leave Silkmore, children will have an essential understanding of how to stay healthy. They will be taught about the concept of mental wellbeing and how to take care of themselves and receive support if mental health issues arise. They will understand the foundations of respectful relationships that focus on family and friends. They will be skilled in managing their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way and know how to manage their personal safety by assessing and handling risk. They will be prepared to make the most of life and work and live in the wider world.



At Silkmore Primary Academy, we follow Coram’s SCARF PSHE programme.  SCARF provides a whole school curriculum from EYFS to Year 6, ensuring children access a progressive curriculum which meets all statutory requirements in an age-appropriate way.


SCARF provides staff with half termly overviews, planning and resources following the themes:

  • Me & My Relationships
  • Valuing Differences
  • Keeping Myself Safe
  • Rights & Responsibilities
  • Being My Best
  • Growing & Changing

 Staff use the resources provided to match lesson content to the needs and abilities of their class, recording work and reflections in the class book and on Grid Maker.

PSHE is an integral part of children’s education and is timetabled to be taught at least weekly to ensure that quality time is dedicated to these areas. However, there are occasions where teachers may see it necessary to teach PSHE due to an issue that has arisen in their own class. Many objectives from the curriculum will also be covered as an important part of school assemblies, linked to our AIM HIGH values or campaigns such as antibullying or internet safety week, throughout the year.


We aim to provide children with the skills and knowledge needed to work together in communities in order  to build a safe and inclusive future, becoming well-rounded positive members of the community.

Our curriculum will support children to understand and apply the British Values, as well as gain a healthy, and positive outlook of the community and world around them.

PSHE is monitored through the use of whole-class books and through the use of Grid Maker to record additional enrichment opportunities children enjoy such as through Thrive, visitors, trips and parent sessions.

Curriculum Consultations and Communication

Parent Consultations Slides

Growing and Changing Unit 2023

Curriculum Documents

- PSHE Policy - Long Term Plan of Themes PSHE CurriculumDFE Mapping (Click here to see how SCARF aligns to the statutory guidance.)