Silkmore Primary Academy


Art Vision


Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. Our high quality

art and design education engages, inspires and challenge pupils, equipping

them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of

art, craft and design. Pupils should be able to think critically and develop a rigorous

understanding of art and design. They should know how art and design reflect and shape

our history and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.

Our curriculum facilitates the children becoming artists who are able to evaluate and analyse other artists’ work (including those that have

shaped and influenced Britain and the wider world) and can use this to develop their own

personal style. They can confidently critique art and design works using appropriate

artistic language and understand the cultural and historical development of different art

forms. Our artists are proficient in using a wide range of media and materials to

create their own artwork and can master a range of skills and techniques from process

to product.


  • Curriculum sequenced from Nursery to Y6 to build on prior learning;
  • Cognitive Science and space retrieval activities used to revisit and embed learning;
  • Vocabulary sequenced, modelled and applied throughout the units;
  • Learning adapted and scaffolded to ensure all children can access and achieve without limitations;
  • Immersive environments which scaffold learning with vocabulary and reference opportunities;
  • Skills sequenced and sketch books used to record the development of these into their final pieces
  • Purposeful, engaging learning opportunities encourage artistic development;
  • Objectives across all strands revisited and embedded within and across year

groups and key stages to ensure cumulative fluency;

  • Repeated exposure to a wide range of media and materials to allow for mastery

of techniques over time;

  • Deliberate focus on influential artists, craft makers and designers to ensure

Exposure and influence of  the highest-quality arts and crafts.

 Art and Design Roadmap