Silkmore Primary Academy


Our Maths Curriculum Explained 

At Silkmore Primary Academy, we aim to produce confident mathematicians who can apply their knowledge and understanding
of mathematics to a variety of contexts. Our progressive mathematics curriculum ensures children are provided with the clear foundations and building blocks to allow them to make the progress ready for the next stage in their education and life in the wider world. We aim to provide children with a high quality, challenging and engaging curriculum that is accessible for all and work hard to ensure we develop independent mathematicians.

We follow the White Rose Primary scheme of learning. We have chosen this due to its emphasis on the concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach, which allows children to build deeper connections and understanding within their learning. The scheme of learning also has a strong emphasis on mathematical talk, vocabulary and opportunities for reasoning and problem solving. We enhance this with our own ‘Extend your Learning’ tasks to promote further discussion and application of knowledge to problems.  
During lessons, teachers use a similar structure and approach to ensure that children are given a consistently varied and engaging diet. Lessons begin with fluency questions (Flashback 4) based on prior learning. This provides the foundation for the lesson, allowing children to activate previously taught learning. Appropriate vocabulary is then shared with children. Through teacher instruction, children are engaged using a range of methods such mini whiteboards and concrete resources. Throughout, mathematical discussion is promoted through the use of group/partner talk, sentence stems and questioning. The ‘I do, we do, you do’ approach is used which allows children to see the learning and methods modelled and work in groups before independent application.
Due to the organisation of the White Rose scheme of learning, children constantly retrieve and use prior learning and skills in different contexts. This allows children to remember and embed their mathematical knowledge. As described above, lessons are taught in an engaging, age appropriate and inclusive way. The CPA approach ensures all children have the same opportunities to learn and achieve with the support they need.  
Please click this link to view our calculation policy
Please find the links below to the White Rose Overviews of Learning.

Year 1 
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6  
To view the slides from parents workshop press the button below.
Parents Math Workshop 2025
If you would like to know more about our curriculum, please call the office on 01785 333930 or email [email protected].